The Cook's Apprentice: A Cookbook For Teens and Young Adults


The Cook's Apprentice: A Cookbook for Teens and Young Adults is the second book in the series of cookbooks that are written to inspire and empower you, the novice cook in trying a new and tasty hobby that will last a lifetime. Given the diversity of foods found in local grocery stores, specialty food markets and local produce from farmer's markets, there over 90 delicious recipes for meals for you to choose from from all types of global cuisine and at all times of the day—breakfast, snacks, sides, dinners, and dessert, too— the recipes also encourages you to be open to the foods that y ou might not have otherwise thought about trying.Beyond practical skills, this cookbook will help build your character as you are encouraged in taking the lead in preparing your own food, packing your own lunches, baking holiday treats, and even helping in getting the family dinner to the table. Hopefully, this cookbook is a guide to everything you need to learn about conquering the kitchen with confidence without accidentally setting the house on fire. 212 pages, 139 Full Colour Photos.

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The Cook's Apprentice: A Cookbook for Teens and Young Adults is the second book in the series of cookbooks that are written to inspire and empower you, the novice cook in trying a new and tasty hobby that will last a lifetime. Given the diversity of foods found in local grocery stores, specialty food markets and local produce from farmer's markets, there over 90 delicious recipes for meals for you to choose from from all types of global cuisine and at all times of the day—breakfast, snacks, sides, dinners, and dessert, too— the recipes also encourages you to be open to the foods that y ou might not have otherwise thought about trying.Beyond practical skills, this cookbook will help build your character as you are encouraged in taking the lead in preparing your own food, packing your own lunches, baking holiday treats, and even helping in getting the family dinner to the table. Hopefully, this cookbook is a guide to everything you need to learn about conquering the kitchen with confidence without accidentally setting the house on fire. 212 pages, 139 Full Colour Photos.

The Cook's Apprentice: A Cookbook for Teens and Young Adults is the second book in the series of cookbooks that are written to inspire and empower you, the novice cook in trying a new and tasty hobby that will last a lifetime. Given the diversity of foods found in local grocery stores, specialty food markets and local produce from farmer's markets, there over 90 delicious recipes for meals for you to choose from from all types of global cuisine and at all times of the day—breakfast, snacks, sides, dinners, and dessert, too— the recipes also encourages you to be open to the foods that y ou might not have otherwise thought about trying.Beyond practical skills, this cookbook will help build your character as you are encouraged in taking the lead in preparing your own food, packing your own lunches, baking holiday treats, and even helping in getting the family dinner to the table. Hopefully, this cookbook is a guide to everything you need to learn about conquering the kitchen with confidence without accidentally setting the house on fire. 212 pages, 139 Full Colour Photos.

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212 pages

139 Full Colour Photographs

Publisher: Blurb

Format: Hardcover

Language: English


Product Dimensions: 8 x 14 inches (Landscape)

Shipping Weight: 5.0 pounds

Expected Publication Date: June 2020

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